Monday, December 2, 2013

The End

Cry...Sob...Sniff! Sorry guys I am just sad that today is my last day at ENRICH! (sniff) We haven't done many blogs lately because we have been sharing our Affective Presentations. Anyway back to my blog. Today is our last day. Enrich has taught me many things and I am very thankful for it. I have learnt to be confident; before I was here I could not stand up and speak and now I can! I can also manage my time to get things done which not many kids  get taught to do. I have realised that we are very fortunate to be able to come to this school and that we will be able to use all of the skills we have learnt on our journeys in the future. Thank you very much for reading my blogs.

Bye For Now!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Custom Glitter Text

Kia Ora everyone today was a fun filled day at Enrich! I did a workshop with Katie (teacher) not friend. It was on masking tape art. We all got a piece of paper, masking tape, a paint brush and paint. We all got round a table and started to tape our art. Now this isn't as stupid as it seems, we were just taping our pages for a border and then we taped lines of masking tape on our page so that when we painted it we would get lots of different shapes. WOW!We had the colors red, blue, yellow and black. It was really fun, I didnt think I was going to get finished *GASP* but in the end I did! I was the last person finished! The only problem that all of us had was that some of the tape was not down properly so the paint bled through it. This was a really fun workshop.


Monday, November 4, 2013

The World Wide Web

Hi Guys, Today was my first day back at Enrich for the term YAY! But we only have 5 days left of Enrich BOO! So today we did a session on Digital Citizenship. I was in Darryn's group we talked all about how we have a digital profile. From when we are little until we are DEAD! It is a scary thought. I didn't realize that people bought all of the information we type onto the computer to join up on games. I also didn't know that we didn't have to put the information in if there is an Asterix (*) beside it. The world wide web is huge I think. I don't get why people are happy to say things on the internet but not in person. I learnt at Enrich to be careful on the internet.
See You Next Week,

Monday, September 16, 2013

Custom Glitter Text

Hello Everyone, today at Enrich was a busy one because today is our last day here for this term. Next week they are doing the entry selection and anyway I will be on a plane next week heading to LA! Today at Enrich I had a guitar lesson. For the last three weeks Hannah, Wilson and I have been having guitar lessons. Our tutor is Kerry Hawkins. We have learnt some cords, D, E, E minor and A. Also today we played a Wilson game where you have to try and throw a hacky-sack into a bin and if you get it in you move the bin to the next hoop and then throw it back and if the person does not catch it then you move the bin back to the start. You win if you get the bin to the end and you have thrown the hacky sack back successfully.

So see you in a long time!!    

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vertical and Horizontal.

Hola cada uno. That means Hi Everyone in Spanish. Well anyway today at Enrich I did painting with Katie (the teacher). We were looking at Claude Monet's paintings we looked at his lily pads and his Sunrises. I started painting one of his Sunrises. I did the water vertical and the sky horizontal. I like this type of art because it doesn't have to look neat it can look messy. This is my type of art because I am not good at detail but I can do blurry messy paintings. Today at Enrich I learnt about patterns in art like the brush strokes. See you next week. Bye!

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Move

Sault tout le monde. That was Hi Everyone in French. Today at Enrich I played a game of chess against Katie. She was White and I was Black. The game started off with a suspicious move from Katie. She moved a pawn and I could tell that she was trying to scholar. But then I moved and she would not be able to scholar me! HA HA HA HA HA! So I was on the ball until Katie's next move! So I wasn't on the ball much longer. But I keep playing move by move and I was looking better but in the end I couldn't keep going and I LOST! Well, never mind. Now I know what to do next time.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Dancer

Kia Ora Everyone!

Today at Enrich was a busy busy day. We had people from the ILT coming in to see we were doing.
Today we started off with performance - we just went through Don't Stop Me Now By Queen and the actions to it. One of the most exciting things we did today was START OUR AFFECTIVE STUDY! An Affective Study is where we research a person thats a gifted individual. I am doing Rowena Jackson a famous ballet dancer. We know if the person is gifted if they fit into Renzulli's model of giftedness. I am doing my presentation on Prezi which is an educational program to present a presentation. Today at Enrich was great fun. I learnt how to use Prezi a presentation program.